Experience Freedom in Health through Faith

Empowering nurses and women to lose weight, God's Way.

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Michelle M.

80 lbs released!  I am overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness for the transformation I've experienced!

Nicola S.

Release 30lbs. I'm a totally different person since learning the Breakthrough principles!

Debbie L.

An incredible 154 lbs released. At 69 years old, I feel so much younger now. 

Nurses are health advocates. Women are life advocates. Imagine living a life where you advocate for your own health as much as you advocate for the lives around you.

Experience the empowerment that accompanies the alignment between your Christian faith and your daily life. There is freedom in your health, waiting to be discovered!

Join me for a complimentary “Clarity Call” to learn more!

One to One

I'll support you every week, give you clarity and insight, and hold you accountable to your goals. 


In the proven Weight Loss God's Way principles that have helped nearly 500,000 lose weight.


I used a body/soul/spirit approach based on biblical principles to heal the whole you.

A message from Cathy Morenzie:


Naomi Compton MSN, RN, CRC, a Registered Nurse of 22+ years has always had a love for wellness and education. This love boosted her enthusiasm to live a healthy and active life leading to a broad array of experiences as both a fitness participant and a fitness instructor. Even still, Naomi experienced a cycle of weight loss and weight gain. Naomi became curious about the missing link in her personal weight release journey. As the Holy Spirit lead her to align her faith and health, Naomi began to experience another type of alignment that continues to fuel her passion for wellness. The alignment of Naomi’s professional calling as an RN with her personal passion to encourage others to live healthy lives, is a catalyst to ongoing transformation in her life journey and the lives of those around her.

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